Friday, February 4, 2011

school, snow, and more snow

i have school fours days a week and i'm taking two classes.  i'm doing ok in my classes.  math (algebra) and english (creative writing) math is keeping me on my toes, and creative writing is pushing me emotionally. i already have to face demons.  i thought my math class was going to be a problem.  i still get queasy when i think about it.

we were let out of school early on tuesday.  i was so tired and i just wanted to get home i got on the right bus route; the bus was going in the wrong direction though.  i was on the way back when the bus driver was creeping along the road and apologized for the lateness and i'm thinking i rather be alive and late. i could see out the front window, i should say i could hardly see out the front window.

 when i got home thee was some snow in my room and it only got worse.  jason, mom and i tacked a blanket over the window and in the morning i found a snow wall behind the blanket.  i was not happy.

i can't explain it but it seems the older i get the more i hate snow.  i am so moving to kentuky.  i mean it's pretty, but not when i'm almost as tall as some snow piles.  (insert short joke here).

i missing allen a lot i know its cheesy but i can't help it.  i can't wait to see him again. he's coming to meet me...i just don't know when...i can't wait

Saturday, January 8, 2011

christmas and new years

WHOA! I FEEL GOOD! (guitar riff) SO GOOD! (guitar riff) THAT I GOT YOUUUUU!

ok christmas was nice. the only thing i got that i asked for was the walmart gift card.  even the crotchet  blanket from grandma was nice. but other than that i got slippers and an electric blanket (sorry becki the electric blanket is my new best friend). it was fun hanging with the family and and poking dun at daniel's choice of football team (dolphins taste like tuna?).  christmas day was long.  we have a family tradition we only open presents when the whole family is there.  well jason had to work on christmas so we had to wait until the afternoon.  so we waited.  dan, a family friend, proposed to his girlfriend crystal at our house.  it was cute.

after christmas, i went to kentucky to meet allen in person.  on the way down the train hit a car...we weren't even outside the greater part of chicago.  the accident delayed us about two hours.  the way down was smooth otherwise.  when i got there it was still dark and the town was tiny in the all american way.  i had to take a taxi to the hotel.  later that morning met up with allen and his mom and step-dad for brunch.  allen and i hung out at k-mart for a while then when to see tron.  i know, seeing a movie on the first date is a bad idea, but it was nice.  after that we hung out with allen's step-family back at home.  it was crazy fun.  the next day allen and i had chinese spent the rest of the day hanging out together.  sunday we went to church and i was a odd thing in his branch. one of his friends gave us three months...for what he didn't say, but i know he wasn't talking about how long we will last.  it was such a great weekend i didn't want it to end.  even now i have a hard time functioning.  ahhhh good times.