Friday, February 4, 2011

school, snow, and more snow

i have school fours days a week and i'm taking two classes.  i'm doing ok in my classes.  math (algebra) and english (creative writing) math is keeping me on my toes, and creative writing is pushing me emotionally. i already have to face demons.  i thought my math class was going to be a problem.  i still get queasy when i think about it.

we were let out of school early on tuesday.  i was so tired and i just wanted to get home i got on the right bus route; the bus was going in the wrong direction though.  i was on the way back when the bus driver was creeping along the road and apologized for the lateness and i'm thinking i rather be alive and late. i could see out the front window, i should say i could hardly see out the front window.

 when i got home thee was some snow in my room and it only got worse.  jason, mom and i tacked a blanket over the window and in the morning i found a snow wall behind the blanket.  i was not happy.

i can't explain it but it seems the older i get the more i hate snow.  i am so moving to kentuky.  i mean it's pretty, but not when i'm almost as tall as some snow piles.  (insert short joke here).

i missing allen a lot i know its cheesy but i can't help it.  i can't wait to see him again. he's coming to meet me...i just don't know when...i can't wait