Monday, December 27, 2010

school and things

so school ended with some interesting news.  first i got an A in my class, and my instructor asked if he could use one of my essays for a format for future classes...of course i said yes.  and i thought that things were ok as far as my fafsa stood, come to find out there is a restriction on my application...i appealed that and declared my major. fine arts in film...i can still write and do film too.

now the reason my application was restricted was i had two failed classes that i never made-up.  lets give my old job a big thumps up!...yeah if you know me you know the sarcasm in that statement.

mom took the girls to get our hair cut.  i was not allowed to cut it too short.  but it looks cute.  i even did my hair for christmas eve.  that too was looking good.  speaking of christmas it was not the christmas morning it was the christmas night.  the only thing i got that i asked for was a gift card.  i got slippers and an electric blanket. that blanket has become my new bestfriend.

i'm excited to see allen later this week.  i'm leaving thursday evening and getting into kentuky way to early.  when i leave it'll be way to late and getting back will be in the morning.  i've been getting a blanket response from a lot of people...behave myself!  excuse me i can behave myself...mostly.

Monday, December 13, 2010

mockery of my every day life.....

yeah i think that's what i'll do with my boredom blog.  mock my own life.  i don't know why but hey if it works.....

not totally looking forward to having days off with nothing to do...even though allen is my real boyfriend, the t.v. and computer are my lovers.  this might cause a problem in my slowly executing my fat.  i totally understand the line "bowl full of jelly" when describing santa in the poem the night before christmas.  what i am looking forward is going to visit allen for new years.  that will be fun...even if it might be cold.

this morning i had the nearly uncontrollable urge to put on ever stitch of clothing i owned.  hmmm with the nasty bitter wind, and biting cold air i can't imagine why.  maybe i should be a polar bear member this winter...then i tell myself i'm crazy.  not that there anything against the polar bear club, more power to you!  for those who don't know what the polar bear plunge is...on new years, or other days in january, people take a dip in lake michigan.  yep.  you read that right, in january!

one of the things i'm planing on doing over break is spearheading my novle, not the one i'm reading, the one i'm writing.  we'll see how much i get done.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

i'm bored

i'm not totally sure what i'm doing here.  i'm just insanely bored.  i do weird things when i get bored.  like go on spontaneous road trips. calling in sick and hiding out someplace. i'm not as adventurous as that sounds, i live by the work hard; play hard motto.

school is just about to wrap up and that's it for the semester, and year. i just hope i can get the money for the classes i already signed up for.  math 102, and creative writing.  sooo not looking forward to the math class.

allen, my incredible boyfriend, sent me gorgeous earrings and a matching necklace for my birthday.  i got him something nice too, not going to say what it is until he gets it.

i spent thanksgiving up in anchorage, with becki.  it was fun...mostly.  met some crazy people, but that's the only kind of people becki hangs out with.  i would know...remember random road trips.