Saturday, December 11, 2010

i'm bored

i'm not totally sure what i'm doing here.  i'm just insanely bored.  i do weird things when i get bored.  like go on spontaneous road trips. calling in sick and hiding out someplace. i'm not as adventurous as that sounds, i live by the work hard; play hard motto.

school is just about to wrap up and that's it for the semester, and year. i just hope i can get the money for the classes i already signed up for.  math 102, and creative writing.  sooo not looking forward to the math class.

allen, my incredible boyfriend, sent me gorgeous earrings and a matching necklace for my birthday.  i got him something nice too, not going to say what it is until he gets it.

i spent thanksgiving up in anchorage, with becki.  it was fun...mostly.  met some crazy people, but that's the only kind of people becki hangs out with.  i would know...remember random road trips.